Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog Entry #4

I like and disliked things about "Of Mice and Men" Book and film. The I like was it wasnt some type of fairytale book. There was a sad ending to get the real feeling like you were vicariously there. Sure the ending was sad but it had a ending that wasnt like all the other books. I thought the plot was great two men running from there old ones looking for new lifes, unlike the rest of men in the time they had a friend and someone to trust. This book has a nice smooth mood to it but then it gets intense in a few scenes and things happens that you think wouldnt happen. Although there were some few things I didnt like about the book. I feel as though as they didnt get into George's story much like who was his family how did he even know aunt Claire. I also didnt like how they made Curly's wife seem like an easy girl , like she just some girl who likes every guy. The one thing I didnt the most though in the book After Geoge kills Lennie he gets a drink and in the movie he goes on a train what happens to him after?

Blog Entry #3

I think George shooting Lennie was a good idea they couldnt do anything about it . Curly was gunna shoot him anyway as he said. So it was good that george didnt make anyone hurt Lennie ,but him unfortunatly. Since Curly had a thing out for Lennie anyway Lennie was gunna get hurt anyway . Also Curly was gonna shoot him in the guts so he could die a slow painful death. Which George didnt want so he shot him in the back of the head where he couldnt feel the pain and he would die fast. That was the only way out for Lennie no alternative.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

blog entry number 3

Ithink it wasnt right for Carlson to shoot candy's dog becuz hes old. One if Carlson was old and stink he prolly wudnt sumone to shoot him. He had no right to do that if the dog stunk becuz it isnt his . If anyone shudda shot the dog it shudda been candy since its his and his respnisbilty. I dont even think its right to shoot animals for ayn reason. Everyone shud have a natural death it shudnt be chosen by ANYONE. To me its just as wrong to shoot a dog as it is to shott a person . Animals period everyone shud have a right to die peacefully and naturally.